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How do I start learning to invest in stocks?

start learning to invest in stocks
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How do I start learning to invest in stocks?

start learning to invest in stocks
Starting to invest in stocks for beginners


  • Getting used to the idea of perpetual learning will keep you curious for more.
  • Accessing free online resources is a no-brainer any one can do it – so dive in.
  • Be sure to take action and open your first brokerage account as you go along.

Are you interested in learning more about stocks?You’re probably going to have more luck at this quest is you have a burning desire.First, create a thirst for everything business and finance.  If you’re really serious, you’ll not allow any excuses to get in your way.  Such as, the industry has too many jargon. Or, I’m not formally schooled at money.  The truth is no one is.  It is desire that finds expression and whets the human appetite into the world of money.

So, how do I start learning to invest in stocks? A common question for beginners.  Begin from exactly where you are.  Read articles like this, eBooks, free online courses on Udemy, and YouTube videos.  Personally, I’ve found the world of investing very fascinating.  I did everything I could to learn the basics.  Follow these pointers and tips to get started with learning about investing in the stock market.

Do a Google Search for Investing Articles

If you’re reading this in your browser, chances are you found it via an online search engine.  The internet is littered with personal finance sites like these.  Google has been indexing great content for decades.  You simply cannot go wrong with search.  Look for investing related content that are geared towards the beginner.  That’s exactly how I got started years ago.

How do I start learning to invest in stocks via Google? Place your search query in the search field and smash the search button.  Be sure to take notes or record the information you’re gathering.  Proceed to take action on the information right away.  With the wind of distraction around us, you’ll lose everything if you don’t act upon this.  I had to learn this the hard way.

Get Free E-Books on the Web

The internet has thousands, if not millions of free eBooks in circulation.  Many of these are investing titles.  Be sure to make good use of them from the free eBook sites when you find them.  They’re an amazing start if you don’t yet have a budget for buying them from Amazon or elsewhere.

Now, how do I start learning to invest in stocks through free eBooks?  There are many stock market related material out there.  Many non-fiction titles are also in public domain.  This means you’re not breaking the law if you download and distribute.  So reach out of the beginner level titles like: A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton G. Malkiel, and One Up On Wall Street by Peter Lynch – for instance.  Books usually contain well researched and validated material.  Better still, get your hands on the authentic stuff and skip the fluff.

Do Selective Reading from Top Investing Books

Doing selective reading to understand stocks
Read foundational investing books

You can jump into the learning cycle from any end of the spectrum.  But the important thing to note is to lay the best foundation.  As your investments have the power of compounding, so do books and knowledge.  Knowledge truly compounds.  So you’re better off finding the best investment books ever written to help you understand the core of the investing subject.

How do I start learning to invest in stocks reading the best investing books? As I mentioned earlier, you’re laying an excellent foundation by selecting the best reads.  You will get grounded into the domain of intelligent investing.  These foundational books will become your new lens for reading your next hundred books.  Chances are, you will discard any path that suggested by authors who’re not authentic.  You’ll be able to steer clear of speculation in uncharted assets such as Crypto, Forex, Online Betting, and the rest.

5 Must Read Stock Investing Books For Beginners:

  1. The Warren Buffett Wayby Robert G. Hagstrom
  2. The Little Book of Common Sense Investingby Jack Bogle
  3. The Intelligent Investorby Benjamin Graham
  4. A Random Walk Down Wall Streetby Burton G. Malkiel
  5. One Up On Wall Street – by Peter Lynch

Watch Business News if You Have to Watch TV

Watch the business news and keep an eye on all matters related to investing.  This is pivotal to get you into the realm of investing.  Investing is really about buying and selling real businesses.  The stock market lists those businesses as stocks to facilitate trading.  Business news channels will give you glimpse of markets as well as the companies behind ticker symbols.

How do I start learning to invest in stocks by watching business news?  Some of the best channels out there today are CNBC and Bloomberg.  I used to binge watch these two channels for months until I got hooked.  I hardly watched anything else because I was keen to understand the world of investing when I got started.  When you catch the financial and business news on Wall Street or in your own country, you’ll learn as much as books and articles could teach you.  Use the internet to get access to these two business channels and many more – no matter where you live in the world.

Follow a Sage

Follow an sage investor
Benjamin Graham

Finally, you need mentors and role models to guide you.  I found one.  It was Warren Buffett, the Sage of Omaha.  I admired everything about him and his success.  I wanted to learn everything he knew.  I found books written about him, and watched countless clips about him on YouTube.  I undoubtedly gravitated to the philosophy of Value Investing from the onset because of this.

How do I start learning to invest in stocks by following role models?  There are many investing role models in the world today to follow.  Unlike Warren Buffett, a lot of them are actually active on social media.  You can hit them up one day and see if you’ll get a response.  You could also admire them from a distance and read their biography.

Sage Tip:  Best Way to Invest Money for Beginners

Allow their YouTube broadcasts and social posts to mentor you.  This is the next best thing if you can’t have access to them directly.  Discover their investing style and stay motivated in your own journey to learn about investing.

Open a Brokerage Account

Open a brokerage account
Opening a brokerage account is easy

At last, you’ve come to the point of pulling the trigger.  This step is crucial because it is often procrastinated for too long.  Yes, you don’t have to be an expert to start investing.  The guidelines you’ve received should be enough to get you going.  The education goes on nonetheless and adds up.  This keeps you updated constantly.

You may test your trading skills using an Online Stock Simulator to use play money to make live trades on the real market.  This game will give you some amount of confidence before you get started with actual stocks.  You will learn research and screening skill from these same simulator portals.

How do I start learning to invest in stocks without sufficient money?  Just open a brokerage account with an Online Discount Broker.  Today, many new investors all over the world can get in on the Wall Street action through an international account (subject to eligibility).  You do not require a minimum balance; just enough money to purchase a single share (or fractional shares).  Then the minimal broker commission cost is all you need to consider.

You will go through the easy setup phases and fund your brokerage account.  Transfer money using the numerous options at hand.  Then from the research center, you’ll research, select and make trades on the individual stocks or Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) you prefer.

A Few Parting Words about Learning Stock Investing

In a nut shell, how do I start learning to invest in stocks with all these tips and ideas?  There is no magic answer.  Begin to make learning about investing fun as a beginner.  It is easy to day dream about investing.  We’ve all been there.  The most important thing is to take action today.  The best way is to learn this stuff daily.  Embrace a learning ritual that will take you into both mainstream investing books as well as free online materials.  The latter may come in a lot of convenient forms, such as: Video, audio, and text, printables, courses, and webinars.

Jump into online courses from Udemy and Coursera to get a feel of pro level stock training.  Or check out this list of free online courses to get grounded in stocks.  Regardless of which stage you’re at in your learning, use Stock Simulators to practice as much as you want/can to give you more confidence in making your winning trades.


1) What is the best source for learning stocks?

  • Use books geared towards the beginner
  • Go to the library near you
  • Watch YouTube videos of tutorials

2) What are the Best Stock Market Investment Research Sites?

  • Morningstar
  • Bloomberg
  • The Motley Fool
  • The Wall Street Journal

Do share on this blog your comments below about your learning progress so far.From a scale of 1 – 10, what is your skill level, and how did you achieve this?

How do I start learning to invest in stocks?

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