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The Magic of Compound Interest: How To Grow Your Money

The magic of compound interest
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The Magic of Compound Interest: How To Grow Your Money in 2024

Albert Einstein christened it the 8th wonder of the world.  For a long time people have been asking, what is the magic of compound interest?  Simply put, it is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.  This law (I would say) is usually linked to the financial and capital markets.  Compounding is the interest that bears more interest – together with the investment principal.

Compound interest works its magic in different investment environments.  In a typical savings account or money market instrument, the bank pays you interest.  This is a percentage of the cash that you’ve deposited with them.  It signifies your profit at the end of a certain period.  So, compounding takes place when another round of interest payments occurs.  Your bank will pay interest on both the principal amount and the previous interest.

What is the Magic of Compound Interest?

The magic of compound interest
Warren Buffett grew Berkshire Hathaway through years of compounding.

Introduction to Compounding

Compound interest is known as the 8th wonder of the world.  And according to Einstein, it creates a powerful momentum for growing investments.  The best accomplice of compound interest is the element of time.  Time is the resource by which money compounds.  Warren Buffett is known as the greatest investor of all time.  He’s also attributed to be one of the best beneficiaries of compound interest.  His investments in Berkshire Hathaway (his investment holding company) has some of the longest asset holding periods in the world.

Why Investments Need to Roll-Over

What is the magic of compound interest? And how does it lead to wealth – you might ask? This happens through the roll-over effect.  When profits are initially earned, they must be left intact.  Taking profits from investments would be counter-productive to the law of compounding.  Your investment would be profiting only from simple interest; rather than compound interest.

How Compound Interest Really Works (with Examples)

Explaining Simple Interest

Here is a simplistic example of how interest payments work.  Take a high-yield savings account for example.  An annual yield on a $1,000 deposit would be about 4%.  This will earn you $40 at the end of year #1.  Your end of year balance now totals: $1,040.

What is the magic of compound interest here? Does the investment yield count? Certainly.  Although the above example isn’t typical, the investor would have to search for the right investment.  Ensure that the downside has good protection against total loss. The higher the yields, the more risk you’re bound to take.

Explaining the meaning of compound interest

In year #2 (using the example above), you will receive 4% on the new $1,040 balance.  This gives you $41.60.  You have gained $1.60 more than the previous year.  Your new balance would be: $1,081.60 (That is: $1,040 + $41.60 = $1,081.60).  While other things remain equal, you will continue to reap this cycle of investment yield – year on year until termination.

What is the magic of compound interest got to do with interest rates?  The rate of interest payments and the frequency of payments are subject to terms.  The bank or financial institution would clarify each of those elements.  A number of these rates are subject to negotiations.  Banks may use benchmarks, but you could also make your voice heard by standing on your wallet.  Be on the lookout for fees.  Some of these fees are hidden.  Your total net gain would be realized after all fees and taxes associated with your investments are deducted.

Who Benefits From the Magic of Compound Interest?

Aggressive and Defensive Investors

Compound interest has numerous benefits for different types of investors.  The systematic investor invests consistently to add to his position will grow faster.  The long-term investor who doesn’t cash out also benefits.  Time certainly becomes the best ally for the long-term consistent investor of financial assets.  Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) combined with compounding will help new investors gain traction with dividend stocks.

What is the magic of compound interest and its benefit for a passive investor? If an investor is not actively investing, he still stands a chance in compounding.  The factor of time will aid the passive investor who leaves their long-term positions untouched.  Interest payments and dividends will be added; and result in compounding over the years.

Dividend ReInvestment Plan (DRIP) Stock Programs

Secondly, an investor who sets up a DRIP (Direct ReInvestment Plan) gains from the power of compounding.  This is a simple notice or option your online discount stock broker would give you.  It is the ability to have dividends of your stocks to roll-over.  Instead of receiving funds into your account as cash, they’re immediately used to buy more stocks.

What is the magic of compound interest in the hands of a DRIP investor?  Your dividend paying stocks will have dividends automatically rolled-over until it is suspended.  You can stop the DRIP at any time and receive your cash dividends.  As an investor, you will grow your total stock volumes as well as enjoy appreciation in price increments.

How To Maximize Compound Interest

Maximize Compounding Through Leverage

There are a number of ways compound interests could be boosted.  But these strategies can entail some amount of risks.  The use of leverage or margin trading could enhance the prospects of a good investment.  This strategy will allow your little money to go a long way.

What is the magic of compound interest using leverage to invest?  An example is trading in stocks using a margin account.  Your broker may allow you to have about 50% more buying capacity for your funds if you qualify.  Meaning, your $1,000 investment could then purchase assets worth $1,500.  Your net gain is realized after settling the margin loan, and paying taxes on the capital gains.

Maximize Compounding Through OPM

Other People’s Money (OPM) is a term associated with borrowing additional capital.  You could have equity arrangements where others can jointly own some of your assets.  On the other hand, a debt arrangement ensures that you pay them interest periodically.  The terms and legal paperwork could be more elaborate that those of using a margin account in the above example.

What is the magic of compound interest using OPM?  This will allow your investments to compound better – but at a cost.  You should weigh the costs, benefits, and risks involved.  If your investments ever turn sour, you’ll be looking at serious financial setbacks.  Be mindful to do your due diligence.  Try to take a step back to review your positions periodically.  Ensure that you’re on the positive side of this incredible law of compounding.

Sage Tip: 7 Simple Ways to Maximize Your Potential

The CONS: The Other Side of Compound Interest

Compound interest also has a down side.  If your savings or investments are paying rates below the inflation rate, it’s simply not going to cut it.  The inflation will destroy any growth prospects in your portfolio even though the bank is paying your interest.  The figures are looking positive on the screen however, the purchasing power of your money has been diminished.

What is the magic of compound interest, and how could this be lost?  The worst thing about compound interest to avoid is to be the one paying it.  When you take on debt, you’re required to pay back that loan with interest.  You could potentially end up paying compound interest on the previous loan amount – you failed to settle.  That would be disastrous for your personal financial outlook.

Sage Tips:

A Few Parting Words About The Magic of Compounding

Compounding money gives you confidence.  It empowers you to keep the momentum going.  That’s the law of compounding at work.  It works every single day.  It never takes a break – not even on weekends.  Your bank counts Sundays and holidays also when calculating the yield on your investments.

What is the magic of compound interest in the short and long-term? The advantage in this invisible power lies in starting early.  Remember that each day you fail to employ the power of compounding is an opportunity lost.  The system should work for you even while you sleep.  Savings and investments can be setup and automated with direct deposits and standing orders.

Please comment below to share your thoughts on the magic of compound interest.  How has this impacted your personal financial journey over the years?

The Magic of Compound Interest: How To Grow Your Money

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3 thoughts on “The Magic of Compound Interest: How To Grow Your Money

  1. Great post, Simon! 🙌

    Without doubt, every investor needs to know how to harness the compounding effect. As you mentioned at the end, to get the most of it, start early and don’t ever let it stop. 💪

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