Financial Freedom Sage

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7 Simple Ways to Maximize Your Potential

Maximize your potential
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7 Simple Ways to Maximize Your Potential: Achieve Your Goals

There are many things one can be grateful for in life.  Generally speaking, it’s difficult enough to start a side hustle in the first place.  But when this hustle starts succeeding, it’s a home run.   But this success must not be misconstrued.  It should come as a humbling event.  Acknowledge the interventions in the background that set the pace.  This focus will help maximize your potential for excellence.

Here are ideas you can use to achieve maximization.  Take your life to the next level by focusing on your potential.  Your bank of skills may run dry as the world evolves with new technology.  But your potential is all you have to unleash unto the world.  This is the endless source from which all greatness is born.

7 step list to maximizing your life:

  1. Be Led by a Higher Power (A Greater Force)
  2. Disrupt Your Industry
  3. Put God First, Men Second, and Self Last
  4. Personal Finance Allocation (war chest)
  5. Flex Your Bold Intentions (BIs)
  6. Think Big: The 10X Mentality
  7. Acknowledge the Powerful Mindset Package You Have

1.  Be Led by a Higher Power (A Greater Force)

Maximize your potential: A higher power

To reach heights of human achievement and maximize your potential, you’ll need to tap into your secret leverage.  And in my case, this leverage is the bible.  The bible has become my go to book for inspiration, motivation, direction, and wisdom in general.

Its books and chapters are filled with timeless virtues.  They will aid any committed person that walks in its statutes.  In the 11th chapter of the book of Ecclesiastes for instance, Solomon outlines secrets of excelling in the stock market.  Investing wisdom displayed in plain view to maximize your potential with stocks.

When you allow that greater force to lead you, you will manifest its fruits.  They will flow in your everyday speaking, thinking, and actions.  As imperfect as we are as mortals, it’ll take some getting used to.  Many great minds tap into prayer and/or meditation to achieve marvelous heights in their craft.

2.  Disrupt Your Industry

Aspire to set yourself on fire so that the world will come and see you burn.  While you engage in your noble labor of love, go all out to disrupt your industry or niche.  You can do it with an unstoppable zeal and relentless effort like how Elon Musk built both Tesla and SpaceX.

This trophy does not come cheap by the way.  You’d have to give up your comforts in life in order to make your mark.  This is the price that billionaires pay to get to that admirable altitude that they are now.  The only thing holding you back from giving this a shot is the proverbial comfort zone.

Maximize your potential with ambitious faith and sail to the deep.  Push yourself to surmount those obstacles.  They are there for a good reason.  They exist mainly to keep the competition out.  Consider them as the barriers of entry (for your competitors) that will aid you to reach the top spot at your endeavors.

3.  Put God First, Men Second, and Self Last

In all things acknowledge that higher power that guides all men to greatness.  This implies that you’d have to cultivate a relationship with your maker.  That partnership should be grounded on faith.  This means, believing in the invisible hand of God to aid you to maximize your potential.

If you’re in any line of work for profit, you’re likely to be engaged in serving a customer or a boss.  The best way to success at your hustle is to put others first.  Place the need of the customer or employer before your own.  This principle when super-charged is known as Customer Obsession. The other person is the customer.

I know – you’re as important as everyone on this earth.  But most people would put their own needs and wants ahead of those of others.  As you subvert this paradigm, you maximize your potential.  You will see doors opening for you as a reward from the great judge above.  Placing yourself last results in an invisible hand moving you to the first place in life, ironically.

4.  Personal Finance Allocation (war chest)

Maximize your potential

Create your personal finance fund.  This will be your investment nest egg.   Consider this preparation of having a budget – like the 50/30/20 Budget Rule.  This will support the engine of wealth you need to build.  There are several dimensions to it.  But a simplified view will show you the basic recommended allocations.  This puts a logical structure to the game of money.

Charity 10% (Spiritual Investments)

Institutions –  A good way of building wealth is to put others first.  In most opinions it’s advised to pay one’s self first.  But try this method for spiritual maximization.  Give to your favorite charity or church a tenth of your after-tax income.

People – Be a blessing to individuals in need.  The last thing you want is friends asking for favors ?  Or family members taking advantage of your generosity? Build an emotional fund.  Allocate just 1% for this cause.  Give to these individuals within that limit.  This is usually a guarded secret of the practitioners.  The practice will garner power that is transmutable into business and career success.

Emergency Fund 20% (War Chest)

Cash / Cash EquivalentsEmergency funds are good.  They prepare you from unexpected money woes.  Reserve 20% of your after tax income to build the equivalent of 6 to 12 months of living expenses.  You’ll need a few months to build this reserve.

Keep a portion of this in a high-yield savings account.  Use it to bail yourself out of financial crisis.  You can have almost instant access to funds.  They will pay above average interests – than a standard savings account.

But there is another excellent use for your emergency fund, see this article here for that secret.

Money Market Fund – A chunk of your emergency fund could also be in a mutual fund.  You will get a higher yields than the above account.  You’ll however, require a slight delay during emergency withdrawals.  But use your credit card to cover the emergencies, and pay back immediately as the cash becomes available.

Investments 10% (Nest Egg)

Money Market Fund – Your investments should have a money market allocation.  Most people maybe diversifying for risk reasons.  But you’ll be putting cash aside to buy back more stocks.  Increase your holdings in your equity portfolio when stocks sell lower at a discount.

Mutual Funds – Funds like ETFs, index funds are great for beginners.  They provide a cushioned environment for learning investing.  You’re automatically investing in a basket of stocks with little risk – and consequently, little rewards.

Individual Stocks – Individual stocks provide a greater upward potential.  These instruments have their associated risks.  You typically go through a process for searching and finding the ideal candidates.  Your short list should be further trimmed for quality and value.  It takes dedication to build optimum experience.  Learn more about buying stocks step by step for beginners.

Risks associated with individual stocks are generally curtailed in a number of ways: 

  1. Build your investment/business acumen
  2. Cultivate the right psychology and money mindset
  3. Understand the business/brand and their business model
  4. Adequate research and analysis before purchase
  5. Adequate diversification among several stocks

5.  Flex Your Bold Intentions (BIs)

Flex your bold intentions!  Lay out your big hairy audacious goals.  Decide in advance that you are not going to let anything hold you back.  Strap yourself in the seat for the ride of your life.  Outline several points or ambitions that you would want to achieve.  Now this is how you begin to maximize your potential in life.

This shouldn’t be in the form of a bucket list or new year’s resolution.  But rather a plan of action that has a few big goals.  Your objectives should be both realistic and achievable.  List them out in your journal and begin to mind storm the detailed ideas for their execution.

These special goals could be savings goals, career or business goals.  Select those that would maximize your potential.  Focus on aspirations that can make a grand difference in your life when they were achieved.  Set timelines into the future.  Note that this is not a short-term deal.  The weight of these goals should take a few years to see it actualized.

6.  Think Big: The 10X Mentality will Maximize Your Potential

Thinking Big

As much as depends on you, think big.  As you layout your bold intentions, be sure to take your thinking to the next level.  Expand the possibilities of your mind.  Believe that you will achieve whatever your set your mind on.

Thinking big sets the stage for taking bold actions.  You become psychologically ready to surmount obstacles.  The keyword here is Action.  Action sets apart winners from the losers.  We’ll all fail to meet expectations at one point or the other.  The secret is to keep climbing.  How else are you supposed to reach the top?

To maximize your potential, give yourself baby step motivations.  Discover the smallest unit of that goal.  What are the simplest habits you can cultivate?  Migrate slowly from goal focus to system focus.  Expand your capacity by becoming a perpetual learner.  And the best learning environment are the mistakes that you make working your daily habits.

The 10X mindset is sold on the internet by many success gurus.   The main idea is to see a 10-times leap in your craft or business.  This leap is deemed easier than just a percentage jump of 10%, 30% or even 100%.  You move from thinking about the WHYs to the WHAT and WHO questions.

For example: WHAT can I do to build a 10X side-hustle? WHO can I team up with to see growth in lead generation, sales growth, etc.

Be interested in books and free resources that are available about your niche.  Get to know people within your industry circles and network with them.  Do not see them as competitors; see them as potential partners in your journey to financial freedom.

7.  Acknowledge the Powerful Mindset Package You Have

Life is a journey full of hidden things.  And the secret is, you probably already have what you have been looking for.  I’m talking about your inner power.  Instead of seeking outside help to find your gifts, look within and discover them.  Self discovery is a crucial to maximize your potential.

Each of us was born with a unique gift.  This is mostly lying dormant.  It just needs to be quickened.  Why would you assume that you do not have what it takes to start that business? Just start and providence will be the gear that revolves each wheel – from a slow start to finish.

A Few Parting Words

The key here is to never stop believing.  Anything is possible if you commit to duty and start small.  Start wherever you are today.  There will never be a favorable time to cast your hook.  The sooner you do it the better.  Push yourself past the limitations of your comfort zone.  It’s the effort that counts.  You will eventually look back and marvel how far you’ve come.

Which of these principles above resonate with you the most?  Kindly share your experience and tips in the comments below.

7 Simple Ways to Maximize Your Potential

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