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Investing in Yourself to Fulfill Your Purpose

Investing in Yourself to Fulfill Your Purpose
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Investing in Yourself to Fulfill Your Purpose (Personal Development 101)

Investing in Yourself to Fulfill Your Purpose

The globe spins and shifts to return the fruits of what we sow.  This is a perpetual seed and harvest cycle.  You’ll agree that folks who’ve invested well in themselves are absolutely killing it in their endeavors.  But unfortunately, we can’t say the same for people who aren’t.  So the big question is, how can I start investing in myself? This question is absolutely subjective.  But to put things into context, let’s discuss the best personal intangible investment you have done for yourself.

The first thing to do to start investing in yourself is to discover you gift.  It is in deploying your talent that you invest and add value to yourself.  The main purpose is to become of value to others.  The rewards and fulfillment become the fruits of your service to mankind. 

What is Your Gift?

As broad as the subject of discovering and manifesting gifts and potential are, we’ll narrow our focus to stay in context.  Your gift could be said to be a talent or innate ability.  Even if this doesn’t appear to be rare or extraordinary.  But for some strange reason, you’re the only one who can maximize and excel the most in that ability (along with a small group of other people in the world, of course).

The question of ‘how can I start investing in myself’ is an identity matter.  Start by identifying the one thing you do best with the least amount of effort.  It’s right under your nose.  It’s what you do with flair.  What is the easiest thing for you to do? And this you could do for free – and still have a great time doing it.

How To Locate and Utilize Your Gift?

Find that one thing that gives you excitement.  If you haven’t figured it out yet, don’t worry.  From what you just heard above, you have a few clues.  I’m sure you’re listing a few ideas and zoning in on 2 or 3.

It is not unusual to have multiple gifts.  It’s quite common for both kids and adults to have a handful of gifts and talents.  The trick is to isolate them.  Remove your learned skills you got from education and training.  Do not include your passion either.

So, how can I start investing in myself when I’m clueless – you might ask? When you eliminate the acquired skill, you’re left with a bare minimum intrinsic ability that uniquely describes you.  To further isolate, if you could sing, dance, or play an instrument; you’ve found your gift along with your industry.

But the next step is quite crucial – especially if you want to help your kids discover their talent with tips from this article.

Sage Tips:

The Best Way to Use Your Gift

How can I start investing in myself to utilize my gift?  What to do next after finding out that you’re a music person like the example above?  The next step is to focus on one.  Yes, you heard me correctly.  Focus on only one and develop it thoroughly.

Singing, dancing, and playing an instrument or two may all go hand in hand?  But you can’t live your life jumping from voice coaching classes to dancing academies, or music schools.  Focus on just the one that flow as second nature to you.

Reserve the rest for later development.  Because your water is limited.  You can’t spread your sprinklers to water so many seeds at the same time.  They may each not get enough.  Focus on nourishing just one, and see how the rest find their way into the core of the central gift.

How can I start investing in myself if I haven’t isolated that one gift yet?  I should have taken my own advice many years ago when I was younger.  I had many gifts along with other skills I learn from school.  And some of the training I acquired was not even related to my gift.  I discovered the path of FOCUS.  Now I write online with passion.  I could have done these 20 years ago, but I was rather fascinated with coding and designing (indeed, sub-sets of the writing gift).

Profiting from Your Gift

Before you begin to profit from your gift, do this essential step.  Refine your gift.  Take it from its raw stage to a spot where it is well polished and marketable.  Then people can start paying you money for using it.

To refine your gift you simply need to use it every day.  Make a date with that gift and set a block of time.  If you do this every day – you’ll get there.  Ten (10) minutes a day using your gift is simply not enough.  Dedicate hours to this refining task.

So how can I start investing in myself to refine my gift if I don’t have enough time?  Bruce Lee and Michael Jackson didn’t just do it every day, they did their thing for hours until mastery.  Mastery is possible with about 3 or more hours of practice on a daily basis.

Furthermore, you have to learn or get training for your gift.  You may need a tutor or mentor to assist you.  Do it in grand-style with a paid consultant, or start small by watching YouTube videos.  For each hour of video you watch, set 2 hours aside to apply what you’ve learned.

Are you still asking, how can I start investing in myself without a mentor in sight?  Now try to get 10 hours of self learning, then 100 hours over the next few months.  You’re on your way to 10,000 hours of total dedication to your God-given talent if you keep the momentum going year after year.

Sage Tip:  Secrets About Side Hustles That Can Make You Rich

Changing the World from Within

It is time to change the world.  After your gift receives adequate refinement, the world will begin to notice you.  Your other adjacent gifts will also find their way into the core gift you chose and specialized.

Asking, how can I start investing in myself as a late bloomer?  Guess what?  You’re not alone.  A significant number of people start out this way.  Everything you learnt in school will also begin to make sense.  You can now decide on what you want to learn next for further development.  Your next training or courses would certainly not miss the mark.  You’ll definitely be choosing great skill-stacks what that will help your gift enable you to become more noticeable.

Your gift and talent will be used to serve others.  In the music related example, you’ll be using it to entertain the world.  But small thinkers may just call themselves singers in their community.  Instead, see yourself as a global or international entertainer.

Sage Tip:  The Importance of Financial Literacy: Avoid These 18 Money Mistakes

Impacting the World with Your Gift

To impact the world you must first use your gift selflessly.  First, give it away for free.  Sing for free, teach for free, and build a local and online audience with social media.  This in fact is a 21st century hack.  Your parents and grandparents didn’t have smart phones or the internet.  Now you can TikTok your way from your little room to the big stages of the world.

How can I start investing in myself this way if I feel I’m not ready?  Don’t let your comfort zone talk you into staying small.  Start thinking big from day one.  To impact the world, a good training ground is essential. Schools and institutions have their place.  Employment in a good job will also help you refine and develop that talent of yours.

But the ultimate hack for maximization is utilizing the internet.  So you can cook?  You need Youtube and TikTok.  Whether you’re ready or not just start one.  You don’t know how? Learn the basics.  This digital window will be that small hole, which the world will use to behold your hidden gifts – and slowing reward you for manifesting them.

A Few Parting Words

The simple premise of discovery and using your gift are the basics.  Do not stop here with this article.  Keep learning about the subject of gifts.  You were born with a few.  I know for sure that I was personally born with quite a number of them.  I only isolated and analyzed them a few years ago.  Could you believe I’ve always just used the skills I was trained at?  I made a living from a regular job while I kept my gift as a hobby.  I remember how people always told me how good I was at my talent, until I had a wake-up call to discover my true purpose in life.

How can I start investing in myself when it feels too late?  It’s never too late.  You’ll end up leaving this world with regrets of what you could have done with your life.  Take this cue and take the plunge.  Not only do I have this blog to show for my writing gift and investing passion; I’ve also published a book.  And I have quite a few more projects coming up soon.  The intent is to impact the world of personal finance for years to come.

Please share with me in the comments below how you’ve discovered your gift; or better still what you intend to do about finding it out – for refinement and mastery.

Investing in Yourself to Fulfill Your Purpose

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