Financial Freedom Sage

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7 Reasons Why You Should Always Invest in Yourself

Invest in yourself
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7 Reasons Why You Should Always Invest in Yourself (especially in 2024)

To reap anything one must first plant.  The idea of getting something for nothing usually ends up in tears and disappointment.  That’s the reason why you should always invest in yourself first.  This will lay the foundation for success in almost anything else you want to do in life.  This profound statement is equally true from a business standpoint also.

Life is as real as it gets.  So yourself a big favor and be all you can be.  Investing in you is simple planting the essential seeds in critical areas of your life that demands flourishing.  You will reap a harvest of bountiful yields in the course of your financial freedom journey.

The most important reason why you should always invest in yourself is to upgrade to a better version of yourself.  The world is waiting to meet the new improved you.  Take notes and meditate on these seven ideas featured below.  They are worth looking at – no matter what stage of self development you’re at.  The cultivation of these 7 elements alone can set you off to a good start this year.

Invest in yourself
How each step matters when you’re investing in yourself

1. Invest in Your Identity: Why you should always invest in your self image

The best path to self growth is self discovery.  It is the cultivation of a subtle consciousness that is always alive to personal improvement.  By this we mean you have to know who you are and why you’re on this earth.  Identifying yourself by a job title or profession is only half the introduction.

For instance, a doctor or surgeon should begin to call themselves ‘life savers’.  They are in the business of saving lives.  A blogger could also use the term ‘content creator’ instead of the ‘blogger’ tag – and have a wider scope while looking at the world.  That is the reason why you should always invest in yourself – to become much bigger than the box they place you in.

In order to invest and grow your identity, identify who you want to be.  What impact would you want your life to have on others?  At this stage, focus on why you should always invest in yourself!  Because the why questions always produce the deepest searches of the mind, soul, and spirit.  Take time out each week to relax, breathe and meditate.  Begin to see how this edification process plays out in discovering the original you – capable of achieving financial maximization.

2. Invest in Your Gifts and Talents

What is your gift?  We all have gifts, natural talents and abilities.  This is because none of us were cloned or born fully grown.  So therefore, you’ve had childhood experiences – correct?  These experiences have shaped the way you see the world.  We’re not just talking about childhood memories here.  Your speech, actions, and interaction today have been influenced my critical events in the past. And why you should always invest in yourself and your gifts is that;

You have also picked up habits.  From this heap will you find the ONE thing we’re truly great at.  The human soul and body have foot prints.  This has shaped us uniquely.  Check the soles of your shoes for a minute.  Can you notice that you have special wear patterns? These are distinctly different from your family members or your friends.  This means that the way you walk is even slightly different from any of your biological siblings.

If the above has convinced you enough, then we’ve found a good basis why you should always invest in yourself.  It’s about taking that vital step to spot the great trait hidden in you.  Ask yourself – what do I do best? Be open-minded about this process.  What can I do with the least amount of effort? What labor can I actually perform with hearty diligence if I wasn’t going to get paid for it?

Sage Tip:  Investing in Yourself to Fulfill Your Purpose

This will draw you into a couple of gifts/talents that are obvious.  On these grounds are why you should always invest in yourself to master that particular trait.  You will unearth the stuff that you didn’t realize was there.  From that point, begin to ponder them and make investments in them.

Learn, nurture, and educate yourself in that field.  Practice, practice, practice.  Find a mentor if you have to.  This process may include your parents, pastor, or even a role model.  At this point you may want to double down on this craft you’re good at.  Become the best you could possibly be.  And as you set yourself on fire, the world will come and watch your burn – dear friend.

3.  Discovering Your Purpose

Discovering your purpose
Discovering your purpose is critical yet over looked step

What is the true purpose of your life?  What is your north star? If you read the previous point above, then you’re ready to apply your gift in the service of mankind.  That’s it!  Your purpose is the dedicated use of your special talents and gifts to help others.  So the rationale and reason why you should always invest in yourself regarding this – is to become excellent.

Discovering your purpose will aid you in doing great life-fulfilling work with an employer.  You can also do it through your own business.  This could start as a side-hustle.  And you don’t want to half-ass this either.  Your purposeful work is what will make you (and your brand) stand out among the rest.

Embrace the fact that it may take years to see the fruits of your true gift.  Most people go to college to get a degree and a job.  Their main aim is to land employment to start earning as quickly as possible.  But work slowly becomes a daily struggle.  They hate every bit of the process.  Then they sedate themselves with retail therapy.   Vacations are taken like vitamins.  They’re great and healthy but you might not need as much – if you truly love what you do.

Once you discover your purpose, you’ll notice that work will cease.  You will simply enjoy what you do, and reap the wages.  It is wealth and fulfillment that come due as a by-product of working in your labor of love.  That’s why you should always invest in yourself to fuel your purpose.  It is the key to your self investment process.  You’ll become happier with your life.  Then you’ll be in a better state to love others and receive this back ten folds.

4. Create a Plan for Financial Freedom

By creating a financial freedom plan, you’re making the desired outcome more intentional.  As you discover your gift(s) and unearth your purpose, your next move is to become financially free.  Why is this step necessary? This is the reward from your labor you’ve been grinding for.

Even if this destination seems sure on the horizon, you must still create a definite plan.  And plans do not just work by themselves.  That’s why you should always invest in yourself; to become capable of undertaking the required habits.  Your financial plans and goals will inspire your every move.  You will be motivated in periods of stress and uncertainty – to keep pushing to the front.

a) Financial Goals

Don’t just set’em and forget’em.  State how much you want to be worth.  Write out your dream income while you’re working, and decide how much you want to earn at retirement.  Set up your investments and build the ultimate investment nest egg.  Make it suit your special needs and make it happened.  Financial goals should be as simple as writing what you want to earn next year on paper.

Express this in a sentence, like: “I earn $10,000 a month by 1st January 20XX“.  Rewrite this down every day.  Say it aloud 2 or more times a day.  Goals must be carried out this way until the subconscious mind falls in love with the key HABITS that will propel them into motion and achievement.  The daily input or work is what makes goals come to life.

b) Financial Systems

What is a personal financial system? Your financial system is the stuff that you do right that take on a life of their own.  Of course you have to give it life in the first place. The process begins with these components:

Here are seven (7) basic components of a personal financial system:

  1. Budgeting
  2. Expense Tracking
  3. Debt Repayment Plan
  4. Automatic Savings
  5. Emergency Funds
  6. Investment Nest Egg
  7. Multiple Streams of Income

Well, you can begin the process of organizing your money goals by using a budget.  There are many types of budget systems out here that will fit your unique needs.  I’d recommend the 50-30-20 budget as a starting point if you’re new to this.  So this is why you should always invest in yourself concerning money tools.  Read further on this simple budgeting rule and make the process yield the best results going forward.

Define also your financial processes.  Have your personal checks and balances in place that will help you stick to both your budget and your goals.  One way of doing this is using automation.  Allow an automatic deduction from your main checking account to fund your investments and emergency fund.

Do this also for a legacy account, such as your savings account – to pay your bills.  You may also decide to place a 30 day delay on any purchases that cost upwards of $1,000.  This will give you room to inspect all your priorities and needs more closely.

Sage Tip: How to Learn About the Stock Market and Investing for Beginners

c) Your Financial Habits

This is definitely the game changer.  That’s the more reason why you should always invest in yourself.  This is required to conquer the comfort zone disease that robs people through sloth.  To use your gifts to reach financial freedom requires a mindset shift.  A super (new you) identity should be in play that takes habitual relentless actions towards a set objective(s).

This is because we were not all born with money making abilities.  Read that again.  I didn’t say MONKEY making ape-bilities.  I said “money-making-abilities”.  A gifted singer may create magic with his/her voice in front of a massive audience.  But this may not translate into wealth.  Wealth entails the adapting of money habits what will help you keep, manage, and grow what you earn over time.  If we were not born with this, then it’s no-brainer; that we have to cultivate it with consistency and determination.

Building financial habits that deliver – is the reason why you should always invest in yourself.  To build a new habit you don’t already have, require habit stacking.  I discovered this tip from James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits. It is simply the connecting of two habits together.  A brand new habit is stacked (follows) upon an existing habit.

For example, by letting the habit of reading online about your craft, gift or niche follow the daily habit of brushing your teeth in the morning (or night time brushing).  Or perhaps, read a book for 30 minutes each lunch time during work.  By this you’ve stacked one habit upon the previous.  This will trigger the reminder of the new habit each time the former has been completed.

5. Invest in Books

Begin to see everything as a book.  The world around us is just like an open book waiting to be discovered.  But to avoid distraction, you need to zero in on your own industry, niche, topical interest and subject.  I personally see online articles like this one as a book.  I can read for free the distilled knowledge from various writers who have walked the path.  YouTube is a book.  Facebook on the other hand is a miscellaneous book.  That’s why you should always invest in yourself in order to tell the difference.

Books are the path to accurate and sound organized knowledge.  Authors spend a lot of time and resources to research and publish masterful content that are seldom available online.  Reading up on your gift or the career path to using that gift is essential.  Books will help you take an idea into execution than a lot the college degrees out there today.

As you habit stack new habits from the previous point, make reading a vital part of your life.  You have to read non-fiction titles, business, and marketing books.  Biographies will also help you understand how others did it.  Just commit to an hour of reading per day and you will see why you should always invest in yourself with constant reading.  Observe what this will do to your money mindset 12 months down the line.

6. Healthy Living Investments

One of the most important investments you could make is in your health.  You live in a body that requires care and maintenance.  Without this the system will collapse.  A healthy body and a sound mind are both required to serve others with our gifts.  We certainly need to live longer to reap the rewards of our labor which come at the end of a fulfilled life.  This is why you should always invest in yourself health wise.

Place special emphasis on your diet.  Create an informal diet plan and stick to it.  If you’re eating healthy, the plan will keep you on track.  But if you’re not, it will shift your unhealthy binges and habits from the red zone unto the green zone.  By green I truly mean eating more healthy veggies and fruits.  You can find massive amounts of nutrition tips online.   But once again, keep things simple and optimize later.

Have a fitness program that lasts forever.  Yes! You’ll need to keep this beautiful exercise going for the balance of your life.  I’ve been doing runs and walks regularly for nearly 7 years now.  I tried many things: weight lifting, tennis, even karate.  But I love to run.  I’ve found my north star sport.

Set time to rest and enjoy your leisure.  Also remember to have a healthy mental outlook.  Cultivate the best of relationships with the people around you.  Don’t forget to have positive interpersonal impact on strangers as well.  This is how you can rewrite your entire health script.

7. Spiritual Investments in Yourself

Just be all you can be

And finally, remember what you are.  You’re that subtle inner-self wearing your body as a suit.  That beautiful creature called YOU needs edification also.  Your soul needs a special kind of care.  And it’s a great reason why you should always invest in yourself spiritually.

So take time every now and then, and cultivate inner peace.  Use the best methods known to you.  I believe in prayer. Prayer moves everything into place.  It becomes that invisible catalyst that assists every noble intention within you.

Employ the use of affirmations, right thinking, right speech, and right actions.  Try giving to charity or volunteering.  This trick is to find something else that is fulfilling that will bring a balance in your life.  This is because the building of wealth and running of businesses can take a toll on you. This is why you should always invest in yourself with spirituality to find a positive release to the unseen virtues of life.

A Few Parting Words

If you can build a better mouse trap, then do it.  Do whatever it takes or costs to invest in you this year.  You will reap great dividends in both material and immaterial channels.  Allow the balance to operate in sync with each other.  Meaning don’t let over cultivation of financial achievements get in the way of a tranquil family life.  And do not allow your health to wane on the account of increased social engagements, and crippling commercial activities.  The main aim is to win.  And that’s just why you should always invest in yourself to the max. To bring out the best in you.

You’re already half way there if you’ve reached this final paragraph of this epistle I’ve written to you.  Please share this with someone who you think might need a poke – that there is hope for self-growth and a whole mass of friendly resources available to them for free.

Fondest Regards,


P.S.  I’ve never ended a blog post like this before. LoL… There is always a first time.  But there’s nothing wrong in doing this for YOU.  I just want to say Thank You for reading.

7 Reasons Why You Should Always Invest in Yourself

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4 thoughts on “7 Reasons Why You Should Always Invest in Yourself

  1. Hi Simon, this is such a well-rounded, well-written article! 👍

    A successful and fulfilling life requires us to take a holistic approach instead of only focusing on one part.

    As you said, we can’t just work on our finances and ignore other areas such as our family life or even health.

    It’s so important that we keep the big picture in mind and always invest in ourselves. Our identity is the right starting point.

    1. Thanks for your constructive feedback Lynn. I know you’re already on track. I’m still learning this stuff day by day; also from people like you. 🙏

      1. Oh, believe me… I’m still under construction as well. 😅 I was too focused on blogging and engagement on 𝕏 for the past few months that I neglected many important things in my life. My hubby had to sit me down for a talk recently, LOL!

        I’m in the midst of adjusting my schedule so as to find balance again, and your article was just what I needed. Thanks for the reminder! 😊🙏

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