Financial Freedom Sage

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Different Ways to Master Money for Financial Freedom

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The quest for financial independence requires the still to master money.  It takes a little bit of an effort to get into rhythm.  Unlearn old habits and discover some new ones.  It is the money mindset that is charged with financial discipline that attracts wealth.  It requires focus and dedication.  And all the tools you’ll ever need are freely available online.

Now here is how you achieve money mastery that leads to financial freedom.  Try and keep this cute infant ducks in a row – and you’re on your way to wealth within a few years from now.

Never Ending Learning Cycle

Perpetual learning is key to survival and paramount for human success.  Create in yourself the mindset that constantly thirsts for knowledge.  Education comes in many forms.  Formal education and mastery in a particular field lead to success.  But for the scope of this book, we are more interested in self education – especially the one that help you master money.

FFsage - Money Mastery

A self taught person is known as an autodidact. Autodidacticism or self-education is education without the guidance of masters or institutions…(Courtesy: Wikipedia)

The internet is an ocean of information.  The careful extraction and organization of this data results in knowledge.  This is a fact because I have been there.  I searched online for years for stock investing information.  It’s a good strategy for understanding the money mindset and philosophy of investors like Warren Buffett.  Get schooled in his philosophy of investing known as Value Investing.

Buffett’s Value Investing method is a conservative perspective of looking at stocks as businesses. He screens them by fundamental analysis (searching and using available financial data about the stock). Stock are therefore analyzed with the same due diligence you would employ if you were buying the whole business.  I didn’t have a background in finance or economics prior to learning stock investing.

All you need is a research plan, and a spirit of determination.  Anyone could become an expert in almost any field of study, especially the skill to master money.  Be determined and focused with a good thirst for specialized knowledge.  It takes ten thousand hours to master a given subject they say.  Put in the work day and night without ceasing until you become an expert in that field of concentration.

Divine Intervention

A very interesting heading I would say.  I could have gone straight to the point by saying, ‘Prayer’.  But I needed a broader perspective to ignite the right proposition.  What is divine intervention? It is simply tapping into or using non-natural or non-visible paths to achieve a goal.

An example of a natural tool for job hunting would be – creating a resume and applying for job openings.  So a divine path or tool would be the use of ordinances or sacred habits of faith to achieve one’s aspiration – such as prayer.  It is possible to master money when you build a prayer habit.

When we pray, our inner person connects to a higher power – God.  For some, it may be a deity (god) of some kind.  I am speaking of prayer to God in the Christian sense.  Further discussions about sacrifices and mystic meditation are beyond the scope of this book.  Prayer fosters a relationship whereby we receive ideas, inspiration, opportunities, and favorable outcomes concerning our needs.

This supernatural perspective is a very powerful yet overlooked strategy.  Besides prayers, one can use affirmations, fasting, giving to the needy, tithing, and good works.  You will attract positive results that translate into income increase, and then financial freedom as you master money management.  Many before you have tried and it worked for them.

Associate With Like-Minded People

Ever heard the expression, bad company breeds evil habits? Yes? And also, ‘show me your friend and I will show you your character’? This is plain and simple.  We will gradually and eventually be just like the people we hang out with.  It is not very popular nowadays to hand pick your friends.  Unfortunately, that is the right course of life if one seeks to master money and be financially free.

Shake off default friends?

It took me more than a decade to have this idea sink in.  We tend to live associating with friends and people we grew up with.  We are comfortable with default friends from school, at work, in our church, and clubs.  Unconsciously, we end up speaking like them, walking, and thinking just like them.  Use this phenomenon in reverse to your advantage.  Flock with people who are better than you, and see what happens.

Reduce your toxic acquaintances 

We love our old friends and accept them for who they are.  What are friends for? But some relationships could be misleading.  Toxic people who are full of negativity will drown all your efforts to master money principles.  This occurs when you stay by their side and hear them speak on a daily basis.  Negative acquaintances that hum tunes of depression and speak only of their struggles will cripple you.  Be weary of this.

To find real companions, one must be bold enough to phase out completely all unprofitable or unhealthy relationships.  Its hard.  But who says the road to master money to achieve financial freedom would be easy.  I’ve have good ideas shut down completely by friends.  Even an ex girlfriend once told me that an idea I was working on wouldn’t work.  It completely blew the wind out of me.  Their pessimism are born out of their own inherent negative money mindset.  But I believe they meant well at the time they spoke those discouraging words.

Find some positive energy

Only associate with people who are positive.  Keep your dreams alive and away from negative energy.  I simply cannot emphasize this enough.  You must see the person you want to be in the people you flock with.  The greatest minds of success all ascribe to this simple noble prescription.  Napoleon Hill wrote about the mastermind alliance principle as: “The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony. “

Access The World’s Free Resources

There are more freebies in the world than you can imagine.  You could practically get 99% of everything you want for free if you know how to look, and where to look.  No, I’m not exaggerating.  Not even the slightest.  Although free online material could be sponsored, and used as a marketing tool.  See beyond the proverbial bait and get the free stuff that you deserve.

Internet resources that help you master money

For the sake of this article, let’s limit ourselves to internet resources only; and perhaps tips and tools that help you master money.  Have you ever searched the web for anything? Google returns millions of results during each search, and we barely comb through a fraction of these.  I actually learnt most of my core skills online.  I found valuable information through articles, Business & Investment Books, videos, podcasts, and blogs.   They shaped my thinking and gradually aided my quest to master money.

Freelancing / Side Hustles

I could literally learn almost anything for free to begin a side hustle.  And I charged clients money for transferring or applying that knowledge I acquired online.  Over the course of many years, I designed website with WordPress, the free opensource blogging machine.  I got free themes, templates, and made a good living for myself in the past.

Online Courses

You might argue that this is quite subjective.  Only a limited number of industries or fields are applicable to this formula.  Why not give it a try.  There are online courses that cost next to nothing.  I still consider them free – based on the magnitude of advantages you get as a result.  Search and organize the stuff you need, and discard the rest.

Avoid Distractions

Furthermore, beware of free entertainment.  Avoid watching free but pointless videos online. They are free also and have a lot of entertainment value.   But they are also a major distraction to success.  Mainly because our time is limited in relation to what information we can consume at any given time.  One video clip of only 4 minutes in length could entice you to watch an hour or two more of several related clips.  You have the power to click or tap away.

Find a Mentor, Be A Mentor

The purpose of mentoring is having another person to inspire and motivate you.  Not only that, but to help you steer clear of mistakes to hasten your learning curve and your success.  A mentor or role model is quite essential for someone looking to succeed in entrepreneurship. A person you can check up with, or who will check on you from time to time.

What can a mentor do for you? 

Look out for someone with a vast experience covering areas that interest you.  Your mentor must be a man or woman who had previously bounced back from failure and found success.  A mentor could be someone whom you can see face to face.  Sometimes a remote based helper who is a phone call away is also vital.  Tap into your role model’s knowledge and time to increase your chances of succeeding in your financial freedom goal.  Then also, your mentor must master money management if you seek help in that area.

Become a mentor to others

Finally, you need to repay your mentor.  Not in terms of money per se.  But give back by becoming a mentor to someone else also.  Go and find an up-and-coming candidate and dedicate your time and share your wisdom.  Life gets better and better as the bread you cast forth keeps returning to you in multiple folds.  Keep on learning how to master money, and to grow and stay updated in this changing world.

Create an online platform if you can.  A simple social media account to position yourself to be spotted by future mentees.  Put yourself out there and something magical may happen.  I started this blog as a way of giving back.  It gives me great fulfillment to to share my journey of financial independence.  It’s a never ending journey with great rewards.

In Conclusion

A money mindset is a critical component to master money, and in attracting more.  The ecosystem that goes with wealth creation has been explained above.  Achieving financial freedom goes a little beyond the norm of saving and investing consistently; but it’s actually a money mindset that one lives by.  A mindset that is devoid of comfort zones that hold people back from taking action.

Have you found any of these techniques useful?  Do share yours in the comments below on what is working for you currently in your financial status.

In Summary:

  1. Never Ending Learning Cycle
  2. Divine Intervention
  3. Associate With Like-Minded People
  4. Access The World’s Free Resources
  5. Find a Mentor, Be A Mentor

Further Reading: Check out our book recommendations on this topic from our Resources Page.

Different Ways to Master Money for Financial Freedom

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