Financial Freedom Sage

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7 Ways To Make More Money By Speaking In Tongues

Earning More by Praying in Tongues
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7 Ways To Make More Money By Speaking In Tongues

This caption alone may send a little controversy among some.  Whether you belong to a Christian faith or otherwise – this is one of the inspired ways to make more money.  But if you’re already a Holy Spirit filled believer who wants to master their personal finances then read on.

There are ways to make more money than you’re already doing.  A path-way that is untapped – at least not until now.  You will discover how straight forward it is to increase your income by praying in the Holy Spirit.  Here, I share 7 ways to increase your income, grow your networth, and live a fuller life by practicing the habit of praying in tongues.

The Laws of the Spiritual Realm

ways to make more money - praying in tongues


We live in a spiritual ream and everything you see was made from things not seen.  The material world was made, and is controlled by the spiritual world.  Just as we have physical beings in the earth, we have spirits also.  There are good spirits, and there are bad ones also.

The Financial System


Just as there is a financial system on earth controlled and regulated primarily by the central banks, there’s also the equivalent in the invisible realm.  Money for example, is a spirit.  The creation, preservation, and use of it is governed by spiritual laws and rules. Rolling with these laws will open doors to find great ways to make more money for yourself.

Your Mind, Soul, Spirit and Body


The human spirit is the real you that lives.  This is the eternal identity or image given to you by God Himself.  You were made in the image and likeness of God, and you are very much like God in a lot of ways.  You are also a creator – just as God is creator.  Your purpose on earth requires you to have a soul and a mind enclosed in a body.

The Process and Ways to Make More Money Using your Spiritual Gift

Earning More by Praying in Tongues


Our purpose on earth includes to becoming fruitful and prosperous in all things and having dominion over other living things.  Both in the visible and the invisible realms.  With regard to prosperity and success, most people grow up to believe you were born to go to school, get good grades, get a job and retire on a pension.

But now, you will learn that the human spirit can work alongside this natural body through the gift of tongues.  This spiritual gift and practice with cause doors to open for you in ways that you never thought was possible.  Here are the 7 amazing ways this could happen for you – if you’re a tongue speaking Christian and believer of the Lord Jesus Christ.

1) BELIEVE IN GOD: Acknowledging the Gifts of God Inside You

God has given us the gift of salvation through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ.  He has also given us a second gift: His Holy Spirit – known as the Spirit of Truth.  Finally, He has deposited our innate human gift(s) in us for the purpose of thriving in this world.  This gift(s) or talent(s) is meant to be nurtured and cultivated through education and use.

Likewise, the Holy Spirit comes with His own set of 9 gifts – mentioned by the Apostle Paul in the Bible.  The Gift of Tongues is inside every true believer of the Lord Jesus Christ who lives a righteous life.  The use of this spiritual gift will work hand in hand with the natural innate human talent we mentioned above.  You will eventually discover ways to make more money in your life.

2) HONOR HIM: Cultivating the General Habit of Praying With Your Understanding

Just as it is important to cultivate the use of natural human talent, it is equally pivotal to develop our spiritual gifts also.  In this case, the gift of speaking or praying in tongues.  Praying with your understanding is just praying in your natural human language.  This habit goes hand-in-hand with praying in tongues.

3) SEEK HIM: Use this Gift Every Day

The more we use our gifts the better.  Build a prayer life and prayer schedule that will give you optimum fellowship with God. Like the parable of the talents, the gift of the Holy Spirit will grow when used and utilized – especially on a daily basis.  That habit of setting time aside to speak in tongues will cause your inner-person to be edified.

You will be built up.  What does this mean? You will receive the grace of self development and self growth to operate with your divine or super identity in navigating this world with great success in everything you do, and in each area of your life.  Believe it or not, it will sharpen your money mindset.

4) SPEAK THE VISION: Confess and Affirm the Revelation God Gives You

At this point, God will reveal things to you.  You will receive heavenly strategies concerning critical areas of your life.  As they come to you, test them to know if they are truly from God.  Begin to confess them.  This will give it life and make it real in the realm of the invisible. You will at this point also download divine ways to make more money in your job, side-hustle or business.

5) WRITE IT DOWN: Write Down The Vision To Establish it

Write down this vision in a special journal you should keep by you each time you pray in tongues.  Yes, the tongues journal is very vital for documenting every revelation downloaded from the spiritual realm into the material realm.

You will begin to arrange these writing in the form of a plan and goals.  You will have clarity on lifelong goals, and goals and objectives for every area of your life.  You will begin to build a blueprint of your financial freedom – with inspiration of the ways to make more money to retire sooner than later.

6) ACT UPON IT: Take Action Based and Inspired by the Vision

The next important step here is to take action.  Understand that this may not be easy.  You must resist all the barriers and distractions that the enemy sets before you.  Observe and document these barriers and distractions; and crush them to pivot faster into your success.  The most notable culprit here is the comfort zone.

Take daily action and execute the required tasks of each day.   These will move you closer and closer to the end goal.  God is by your side to aid you in your resolve.  The resistance will not win; you will – only believe.

7) NEVER QUIT: Never Give Up and Never Quit

Finally, never ever give up.  You may face challenges and stumbling blocks, but you must resolve in advance to endure all these things.  Remember that God allows challenges; not that He’s is incapable of stopping them from happening.  He allows it to edify you.  You become fashioned and ready to actualize the ways to make more money and to defeat lack in your life and family for good.


This secret has been valid for many millennia, and it’s now in the hands of those who will believe and apply its truths and tenets.  Making more money by speaking in tongues is a reality.  You’d have to try it out to prove if it’s true or false.  God has messages and strategies delivered to us through the Holy Spirit to help us prosper therein.  After all, He’s the God that gives us power to get wealth.  Remember that God doesn’t give wealth directly, but the power thereof – in the form of ideas, strategies, revelation, directions, cautions, and guidance – through His Holy Spirit.

Please share your testimony below if you have downloaded a heavenly strategy through the use of the gift of tongues, thanks.

7 Ways To Make More Money By Speaking In Tongues

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